Kim Bouvy

Phantom City installation digital HD

Exhibition ‘Rotterdam in the Picture’
Netherlands Fotomuseum, Rotterdam
24 January 2015 - 17 May 2015


For the group exhibition ‘Rotterdam in the Picture’ that showed the way Rotterdam has been photographed since the invention of photography, I made a new digital version in HD of the installation of Phantom City.
The exhibition is accompanied by a magnificent catalogue with the same title.

You can watch the full video here:

Since the invention of the medium of photography, there has never been an exhibition on Rotterdam that has given such a broad representation of the city and of the photography used to produce this representation. Rotterdam in the Picture displays a tough city, a multicultural, constructive and dynamic city, a city that is always under development. The built environment receives great attention, as does the harbour, the striking architecture and the people that make the city what it is.

Either independently or on assignment, photographers from Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad have been partly responsible for forming the image of the city. Photographers have developed a vision of the city and given it a countenance. This has helped determine how the city is regarded by external observers, which, in turn, has had an effect upon the way in which Rotterdammers themselves view their city. The image of the city and the city as an image converge here in renowned photographic highlights and unknown material.

Rotterdam in the Picture | 175 Years of Photography in Rotterdam is based on a study that the Nederlands Fotomuseum commissioned Joop de Jong to perform. This exhibition presents many photos from the Museum’s own collection, supplemented by loans from the Rotterdam City Archives, the Royal Archives, the Railway Museum, the Maria Austria Institute, Rotterdam Museum, and the Extraordinary Collections of the University of Leiden.

Photographers in the exhibition
Freek van Arkel, J.Baer, Andor von Barsy, Gabriele Basilico, Henri Berssenbrugge, Henri Alphonse van Besten, Eva Besnyö, W. Bleuzé, A. Boeseken, Boudewijn Bollmann, Marrie Bot, Kim Bouvy, Gaston Braun, George Breitner, Ger Burg, Wouter Cool, John Davies, Cornelis Deltenre, François van Dijk, Adrienne van Eekelen, Bernard F. Eilers, Wally Elenbaas, Franz von Erckens, Gilbert Fastenaekens, Francis Frith, W. Ganter, J. Van Gorkum, Johann Hameter, Robert de Hartogh, Carel van Hees, Walter Herfst, Jacob van der Hoeven, Alphons Hustinx, Andries Jager, Marijn de Jong, Rince de Jong, Henk Jonker, Jan Kamman, Bart Kemps, Gebr. Klumpes, Jan Koelinga, Helena van der Kraan, Carel Kramer, Susanne Kriemann, Germaine Krull, J. Kuiper, W.J. Kuipers, Gustave Larauza, C.A.G. Leyenaar, Jannes Linders, Jan van Maanen, Paul Martens, Peter Martens, Vincent Mentzel, Carl-Emil Mögle, Kees Molkenboer, Munnich & Ermerins, Cornelis Nieuwland, Evert van Ojen, Cas Oorthuys, Pieter Oosterhuis, Julius Perger, Hayo Piebenga, Gebr. Pieterman, Frans von Pöppinghausen, Bas Princen, E. Radermacher, Joop Reijngoud, J. van Rhijn, P.W. Roemer, Jan Roovers, Frits J. Rotgans, Gerco de Ruijter, Daria Scagliola, Eric van der Schalie, Jan Schaper, J. Schotel, Janine Schrijver, Paul Schuitema, Harry Sengers, John Sherrington, Ruud Sies, Otto Snoek, Sara Lydia Stahl-Van Hoboken, Richard Strauss, H.J. Tollens, Robert F. Turing, Uyttenbroek & Versluis, Pieter Vandermeer, Daniël van de Ven, C. Vreedenburgh, Jan Vrijhof, Hans Werlemann, Gerard Wessel, Ed van Wijk, Hans Wilschut, L. van de Winkel, Peter Wotke, Steef Zoetmulder.

Catalogue Rotterdam in the Picture
Autors: Joop de Jonge en Frits Gierstberg
Contributors: Wilfried de Jong en Jules Deelder
Publisher: Hannibal
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9789492081179
Language: Dutch

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