Kim Bouvy

Phantom City - a photo novel (spread)

Saturday January 16th, 17h: Opening ‘Quick Scan’ at the Netherlands Fotomuseum, Rotterdam /
Friday January 22nd, 18.15h: Booklaunch ‘Phantom City. a Photo Novel’ (Pels & Kemper publishers) at the Centrum Beeldende Kunst Rotterdam. Introduction by Frits Gierstberg, head of exhibitions at the Netherlands Fotomuseum (Nfm) and Margriet Kemper, Pels & Kemper publishers. The booklaunch is part of the opening of the groupshow ‘NowHere’

Phantom City. a Photo Novel.
272 p.
offset, black/white, more than 150 images
19×12 cm
english/dutch text
text / images: Kim Bouvy
Book design: Hansje van Halem
Print+lithography: Calff &Meischke, Amsterdam
edition: 1000

A speciale edition, a book plus 1 photographic print (30×40cm, choice between 2 images) will be available in 2 editions of 15. Please send me an email if you are interested.

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